Accounting Supplies Every Accounting Major Needs

a calculator and a pen on a desk

Accounting may not make the world go-’round, but it certainly plays a huge role in businesses and companies. As an accounting major, you’re preparing to take on an essential role. Although it’s important that you obtain all the knowledge (and practice) you possibly can, it’s even more important that you have resources that will support you.

Looking to elevate into your accounting career? Let’s get into this ultimate list of accounting supplies that you’ll need to smooth out your accounting career!

Here’s a pro tip before we get started: you can get a few of these accessories and business supplies from Mines Press, an online printing company that offers services such as custom envelopes, pads, business cards, personalized stationery, and other items.

Office Supplies


You can’t run a business with essential business supplies! These small items (such as pens, folders, staplers, markers, binders, printer paper, and other miscellaneous supplies) make a huge impact on how smoothly your accounting work will go.

These are necessary goods that help keep everything organized. Whether you’re doing accounting for a small business or a large corporation, having a full stock of these items will put you in a good place.

(P.S. If you’re working as a freelance accountant, you can write off your cost of supplies and cost of goods for your taxes. Check out this helpful tax resource to learn more about claiming your supply expense on your taxes.)

Invoice Tool

This is the must-have tool that every freelancer needs for a useful life: invoices! If you’re a freelance accountant, it’s essential that you’re prepared to send out an invoice during any period. Unless you’re working with accounting agencies or tax firms, it’s likely that you’ll be responsible for making sure you get your payment on time.

An invoice is not only a way to ensure you’re getting paid for your work; it’s also a helpful way to keep track of all transparencies. When tax season comes around, you’ll have all of your paperwork and accurate numbers that will support a correct tax return. (And you won’t have to worry about the IRS coming for your neck!)

An excellent resource to use to handle your invoices (and other related essentials, such as contract and a balance sheet) is And.Co. And.Co is super simple to navigate, and it’s a great tool for all freelancers to tap into.

Accounting Blogs and Podcasts

As an accounting major, you’re already taking several classes that teach you a great deal about the accounting profession. While it’s essential that you soak up all this information in school, it’s also important to recognize that there’s still a lot of learning to do outside of the classroom!

To truly thrive as an accountant, it would be extremely beneficial to turn to outside resources to continue learning. By exposing yourself to different accounting perspectives from a variety of accounting professionals, you’ll turn out to be very well-rounded and well-informed of this particular career.

There are several online publications and blogs that dive into deeper areas of accounting. A few of them include Accounting Today, Don’t Mess With Taxes, and Journal of Accountancy. Additionally, there are a few podcasts dedicated to the accounting profession that is worth the listen:

  • The Soul of Enterprise
  • The Green Apple Podcast
  • CPA Conversations

Just like any other profession, you’ll grow more in your career as long as you’re willing to learn more.

We hope you found this list of resources beneficial! As a friendly reminder, the more you practice accounting, the more experience you’ll gain. Experience goes a long way, but with tools like these, you’ll be able to go much further.

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